Discover Garnier's partnership with Heritage of Pride, supporting LGBTQIA+ rights and progress. Discover Garnier's partnership with Heritage of Pride, supporting LGBTQIA+ rights and progress.

The Enduring Heritage of Pride

Garnier is extremely honored to be an ally and partner of Heritage of Pride (HOP), the organizer and producer of New York City’s Pride Month. This amazing organization has been at the forefront of the enormous strides and hard-won victories made by the LGBTQIA+ community for nearly four decades. While the natural spectrum of gender identity and sexual orientation has always existed, Heritage of Pride has helped transform how the world sees equality forever.

Heritage of Pride

Commonly called NYC Pride, HOP has a mission to “[work] toward a future without discrimination where all people have equal rights under the law […] by producing LGBTQIA+ Pride events that inspire, educate, commemorate and celebrate our diverse community.” The largely volunteer-run organization plans and produces a host of major events in New York City during Pride Month. Millions come to the three main celebrations on Pride Weekend: the commemorative Pride March, the PrideFest street fair, and the spectacular Pride Island concert.

Garnier and Heritage of Pride Collaboration - Garnier
New York Pride Participants Supporting LGBTQIA+ Rights - Garnier

The Catalyst

Like almost every sweeping social change, Pride Month is the culmination of a tipping point. In New York City on June 28, 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn night club. Infuriated patrons fought back and sparked a violent six-day uprising. Known as the Stonewall Riots, this watershed moment catalyzed the gay rights movement. A year later, an estimated 5,000 people showed up for the first commemorative gay pride march to denounce inequality toward the gay and lesbian community. HOP ultimately began organizing the annual event in 1984.

Proud Heritage

In the decades since Stonewall, the gay rights movement has marked momentous milestones on the road to LGBTQIA+ equality. From the first National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights in 1979 to the historic 2015 ruling legalizing same-sex marriage in the United States, HOP has been there every step of the way. Its history is synonymous with the legacy of Pride Month.

But HOP's critical efforts and unwavering support extends way beyond the month of June. Through year-round education, activism and advocacy initiatives, its thousands of volunteers make an impact through programs that advance and lift up the LGBTQIA+ community. From awarding Pride Gives Back grants to promoting allyship through its carefully selected partner network, HOP’s work is never done.

LGBTQIA+ Activists United At Pride Event - Garnier

Everyone Can Be an Ally

Pride Month is a time when members of the LGBTQIA+ community focus even more on spreading awareness about vital issues like identity and inclusivity. It’s also an important period that reminds people outside this community to activate their allyship in solidarity.

An ally to the LGBTQIA+ community is any person or entity willing to inwardly explore their own biases and outwardly advocate for equality. They intentionally seek out knowledge and set the example of a supporter who listens, speaks up, and chooses to counter LGBTQIA+ discrimination in all situations.

By partnering with HOP, Garnier is deeply committed to making a difference through inclusive policies and practices that foster equality in our mission to create a world where everyone is heard and seen. 

Get involved now by volunteering with HOP. For more information please visit