Front view of Blue Cap Cleansing Water All-in-1, All Skin TypesFront view of Blue Cap Cleansing Water All-in-1, All Skin TypesFront view of Blue Cap Cleansing Water All-in-1, All Skin Types Featuring micellar cleansing technologyFeaturing micellar cleansing technologyFeaturing micellar cleansing technology No rinse formula for face, lips, and eyes, leaves less waterproof mascara residueNo rinse formula for face, lips, and eyes, leaves less waterproof mascara residueNo rinse formula for face, lips, and eyes, leaves less waterproof mascara residue Cruelty Free, Fragrance Free, Derm Tested for Safety, Oil Free, and Alcohol FreeCruelty Free, Fragrance Free, Derm Tested for Safety, Oil Free, and Alcohol FreeCruelty Free, Fragrance Free, Derm Tested for Safety, Oil Free, and Alcohol Free All-in-1 Waterproof Micellar to cleanse and remove makeup without harsh rubbingAll-in-1 Waterproof Micellar to cleanse and remove makeup without harsh rubbingAll-in-1 Waterproof Micellar to cleanse and remove makeup without harsh rubbing How to use micellar cleansing water: pour, press, proofHow to use micellar cleansing water: pour, press, proofHow to use micellar cleansing water: pour, press, proof Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water is America’s #1 Micellar BrandGarnier Micellar Cleansing Water is America’s #1 Micellar BrandGarnier Micellar Cleansing Water is America’s #1 Micellar Brand Available in additional sizesAvailable in additional sizesAvailable in additional sizes Back view of Blue Cap Cleansing Water All-in-1, All Skin TypesBack view of Blue Cap Cleansing Water All-in-1, All Skin TypesBack view of Blue Cap Cleansing Water All-in-1, All Skin Types Front of pack of Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water All-in-1 Waterproof Makeup Remover 700mLFront of pack of Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water All-in-1 Waterproof Makeup Remover 700mLFront of pack of Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water All-in-1 Waterproof Makeup Remover 700mL Value size – cleanse and remove waterproof makeup without harsh rubbingValue size – cleanse and remove waterproof makeup without harsh rubbingValue size – cleanse and remove waterproof makeup without harsh rubbing No rinse formula for face, lips, and eyes, leaves less waterproof mascara residueNo rinse formula for face, lips, and eyes, leaves less waterproof mascara residueNo rinse formula for face, lips, and eyes, leaves less waterproof mascara residue Featuring micellar cleansing technologyFeaturing micellar cleansing technologyFeaturing micellar cleansing technology Cruelty-free, fragrance-free, derm tested for safety, oil-free and alcohol-freeCruelty-free, fragrance-free, derm tested for safety, oil-free and alcohol-freeCruelty-free, fragrance-free, derm tested for safety, oil-free and alcohol-free How to use micellar cleansing water: pour, press, proofHow to use micellar cleansing water: pour, press, proofHow to use micellar cleansing water: pour, press, proof America’s #1 micellar brand over 100,000 5-star reviewsAmerica’s #1 micellar brand over 100,000 5-star reviewsAmerica’s #1 micellar brand over 100,000 5-star reviews Available in additional sizesAvailable in additional sizesAvailable in additional sizes Front of pack of Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water All-in-1 Waterproof Makeup Remover 700mLFront of pack of Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water All-in-1 Waterproof Makeup Remover 700mLFront of pack of Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water All-in-1 Waterproof Makeup Remover 700mL Front of pack of Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water All-in-1 Waterproof Makeup Remover 100mLFront of pack of Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water All-in-1 Waterproof Makeup Remover 100mLFront of pack of Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water All-in-1 Waterproof Makeup Remover 100mL Travel friendly size – cleanse and remove waterproof makeup without harsh rubbingTravel friendly size – cleanse and remove waterproof makeup without harsh rubbingTravel friendly size – cleanse and remove waterproof makeup without harsh rubbing No rinse formula for face, lips, and eyes, leaves less waterproof mascara residueNo rinse formula for face, lips, and eyes, leaves less waterproof mascara residueNo rinse formula for face, lips, and eyes, leaves less waterproof mascara residue Featuring micellar cleansing technologyFeaturing micellar cleansing technologyFeaturing micellar cleansing technology Cruelty-free, fragrance-free, derm tested for safety, oil-free and alcohol-freeCruelty-free, fragrance-free, derm tested for safety, oil-free and alcohol-freeCruelty-free, fragrance-free, derm tested for safety, oil-free and alcohol-free How to use micellar cleansing water: pour, press, proofHow to use micellar cleansing water: pour, press, proofHow to use micellar cleansing water: pour, press, proof America’s #1 micellar brand over 100,000 5-star reviewsAmerica’s #1 micellar brand over 100,000 5-star reviewsAmerica’s #1 micellar brand over 100,000 5-star reviews Available in additional sizesAvailable in additional sizesAvailable in additional sizes Back of pack of Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water with Vitamin C 100mLBack of pack of Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water with Vitamin C 100mLBack of pack of Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water with Vitamin C 100mL

Garnier SkinActive Micellar Cleansing Water All-in-1 Waterproof Makeup Remover Micellar Cleansing Water All-in-1 Waterproof Makeup Remover Micellar Cleansing Water All-in-1 Waterproof Makeup Remover

La valoración media también incluye opiniones incentivadas

Elimina el maquillaje resistente al agua y de larga duración mientras limpia la piel.


$10.49 MSRP

$13.49 MSRP

$3.99 MSRP

Información del producto

La marca de agua micelar n.º 1 en Estados Unidos*

Este limpiador bifase todo en 1 es increíblemente potente pero suave con la piel. Se ha formulado especialmente para limpiar con eficacia, eliminar hasta el maquillaje waterproof/de larga duración y refrescar. Como un imán, las micelas capturan y arrastran la suciedad, la grasa y el maquillaje sin frotar, para dejar la piel perfectamente limpia y refrescada sin resecarla.

Consejos y trucos sobre el agua micelar limpiadora

  1. Prueba el agua micelar limpiadora waterproof para eliminar las manchas de coloración
  2. Prueba el agua micelar limpiadora para limpiar la piel y eliminar el exceso de suciedad y grasa antes de la depilación
  3. Prueba el agua micelar limpiadora para limpiar las manos y el exceso de autobronceador inmediatamente después de la aplicación
  4. Prueba el agua micelar limpiadora para limpiar las brochas de maquillaje
  5. Prueba el agua micelar limpiadora para limpiar tu piel antes del ejercicio y refrescarla al terminar
  6. Prueba el agua micelar limpiadora para corregir los errores de maquillaje

* Fuentes: basado en información de ventas de Nielsen, unidades vendidas, año completo 2022.

Modo de uso

Agita bien.

Sujeta la toallita sobre los ojos cerrados por unos segundos y, a continuación, pásala suavemente sin frotar.

Pasa suavemente por toda la zona hasta que la piel esté completamente limpia de maquillaje e impurezas. Usa a diario, por la mañana y la noche. No es necesario enjuagar.



Ten en cuenta que el envase del producto puede variar
Micellar Cleansing Water for Waterproof Makeup

Descubre los beneficios de Micellar Cleansing Water for Waterproof Makeup

  • Limpiador facial suave pero potente que elimina eficazmente el maquillaje waterproof y de larga duración
  • Elimina eficazmente la suciedad a la vez que refresca la piel sin resecarla
  • Fórmula sin residuos
  • Sin aceite, alcohol, ni fragancia
  • Para todo tipo de pieles, incluidas las más sensibles y delicadas

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