A quick skin care routine for your hands - Garnier SkinActive A quick skin care routine for your hands - Garnier SkinActive

Rutina rápida de cuidado de la piel para las manos

Piensa en el tiempo que dedicas al cuidado de tu rostro. Ahora piensa en el tiempo que dedicas a tus manos. ¿Hay una gran diferencia? La mayoría de las personas dedican mucho más tiempo a su cutis que a sus manos, pero estas también merecen un poco de cariño. A medida que envejecemos, es difícil hacer retroceder el tiempo, así que con unos pequeños pasos puedes ayudar a mantener tus manos con un aspecto fantástico durante más tiempo.

Step One: Wash Your Hands with the Right Products

Throughout the course of the day you’ll be washing your hands a lot, so it helps to do it with the right products. If you have dry skin use a product with humectants or ceramides to keep your skin from drying out. Sensitive and normal skin can benefit from a gentle cleanser without fragrance or harsh ingredients. Antibacterial soaps can be drying to hands so avoid them if your hands are likely to crack or look parched.

Step Two: Exfoliate

Exfoliation will help keep your hands looking young and feeling soft. Use a gentle scrub once a week to exfoliate your hands of dead skin cells. You can easily make a scrub with things you have in your pantry such as coconut oil, honey, sea salt, brown sugar or lemon. Mix the ingredients together then rub over your hands to exfoliate and smooth, then wash off with warm water to reveal baby soft hands.

Step Three: Use a Dark Spot Corrector

If you have dark spots on your hands you can use a dark spot corrector to help reduce their appearance. Select one with antioxidants such as Vitamin C or retinol. Over time and with consistent usage, this product will brighten your skin and make it look more youthful.

Step Four: Moisturize

Hand cream is a great way to restore moisture, so try to find the best moisturizer for you. Products with shea butter are fantastic for dry hands, and help quench dry, parched skin. As always products with antioxidants are great for your hands too. Look out for hand creams and lotions with ingredients like green tea, reservatrol, vitamin E or retinol to help brighten, smooth and protect your skin.

Step five: SPF

Sun exposure is the number one cause of skin aging so you need to protect your hands by using the right products. If you’re going to be spending time in the sun use a product with at least SPF 15 to prevent dark spots and sun damage. Your hands will look young and healthy longer.