La rutina de cuidado de la piel perfecta para combatir los puntos negros
Los puntos negros son una pesadilla. Los molestos puntos negros que te salen en la piel pueden hacer que tus poros se vean dilatados y modificar la textura y el aspecto de tu piel. Si quieres mitigar la aparición de puntos negros y evitar que te salgan en el futuro, te proponemos un resumen de sus causas y una rutina de cuidado de la piel que te ayudará a prevenirlos.
Why Do I Have Blackheads?
Blackheads form out of a mixture of oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. They can block pores and cause small blemishes called blackheads. The exposed skin, sebum and oil mixture can oxidize and turn black, which is where it gets its name from. Blackheads are more likely to occur on oilier skin areas namely your T-zone.
There are a variety of causes for blackheads ranging from hormones, poor skin care, and stress to habits that are causing blackheads to form. For example if you regularly sleep with your make up on you may be clogging your pores because oil in your skin can’t be released properly.
How To Prevent And Cleanse Blackheads
1. Cleanse With Salicylic Acid
If you have blackheads it’s important to have a good skin care routine in place. Cleansing is essential as it removes excess oil which is a big factor in what causes blackheads. You should try to cleanse your skin twice a day with a product that is effective but not too harsh to imbalance your skin. Garnier SkinActive’s Clean+ Blackhead Cleansing Gel is perfect for skin that’s on the oilier side as it removes excess oil and diminishes the appearance of pores
2. Exfoliate
Removing dead skin cells from skin’s surface decreases the likelihood that blackheads will pop up. Garnier SkinActive’s Clean+ Blackhead Eliminating Scrub helps lift dead skin from skin’s surface revealing a fresh clean layer of skin. It also helps your skin better absorb subsequent products.
3. Charcoal Clays Masks
Masks formulated with clay can help draw out impurities from your skin’s surface and regulate oil production while minimizing the appearance of your pores. Masks can help restore and give skin a deep clean. Use a mask such as Garnier SkinActive’s Clean+ Pore-Purifying 2-in-1 Clay Cleanser and Mask to revitalize and restore your skin.
4. Use The Right Moisturizer
Apply a non-comedogenic, light formula moisturizer that can regulate oil production as well as give skin necessary hydration. Avoid thick moisturizers that can clog pores, which can increase the occurrence of blackheads. A light gel moisturizer is perfect to give your skin hydration without clogging.
5. Minimize Blemishes With BB Cream
For your skin to look perfect and camouflage blackheads you may want to enlist the help of an oil-free BB cream. Garnier SkinActive’s 5-in-1 Miracle Skin Perfector BB Cream can help brighten the appearance of your skin, lessen the appearance of blemishes (such as your blackheads), mattify your skin, even its tone and also protect your skin from the sun. Use in the morning to walk out the door with a flawless looking complexion.