Everything you need to know about sunscreen - Garnier SkinActive Everything you need to know about sunscreen - Garnier SkinActive

Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el protector solar

El protector solar y el FPS deben ser un componente esencial de tu rutina de cuidado de la piel. ¿Por qué? Porque la exposición al sol es el mayor factor de envejecimiento de la piel. Proteger la piel de la exposición al sol y de los daños causados por los rayos solares puede ayudarte a mantener una piel joven, uniforme y radiante durante más tiempo. El uso de protector solar también puede ayudar a prevenir las manchas oscuras y, en el peor de los casos, el cáncer de piel. Sigue leyendo para saber cómo puedes encontrar el mejor protector solar y la mejor crema hidratante con FPS para proteger tu piel de los daños por el sol. Sigue estas cinco reglas para tener una piel de apariencia sana y protegida del sol.

1. You Should Wear SPF Every Day

Applying sun protection should happen every single day, not just on sunny days or in the summer. Make a concerted effort to shield your skin from the sun on a regular basis; it really pays off. “Protecting our skin from UV damage is our best tool for maintaining it,” says Garnier consulting dermatologist Dr. Diane Madfes. “Sun protection needs to be applied every morning. Use at least an SPF 15 every day. If you are going to be outside, increase your SPF, and remember to reapply after two hours. It's best to stay out of the daylight between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm [sun radiation is at its peak during those hours]. Remember UV rays can damage your skin resulting in wrinkles, brown spots, sagging and skin cancer.”

2. What The SPF Number Indicates

Have you every wondered what the number on your bottle of sunscreen actually means? We can give you some more insight. “SPF stands for sun protection factor,” says Dr. Madfes. “It refers to a product's ability to protect from the sun's rays and varies for the individual. Chemical sunscreens create a film that filters UV radiation from reaching the skin. Physical sunscreens such as those formulated with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide deflect all UV rays. Using a product with broad-spectrum SPF can decrease your risk of skin cancer.”

3. SPF Can Expire

Sunscreens and SPF products are extremely effective in protecting your skin from the sun. However they can lose effectiveness when they are older than their expiration date, so make sure that your product is still within range. Even if you still have a full bottle of sunscreen from last year to use, be mindful of the fact that it might not be effective anymore. Also even if your sunscreen has not expired yet, if you notice that it has a weird consistency or smell, it might be time to toss your product.

4. You Can Match SPF To Your Skin Type

You can find an SPF product that suits your skin’s needs whether you have oily, dry, sensitive or combination skin. There are so many products in the marketplace and you will easily be able to find creams and sprays that are oil-free, hydrating, fragrance-free or whatever your skin needs. You can also protect your skin and make it look more flawless by using a product like BB cream. Garnier SkinActive’s 5-in-1 Miracle Perfector BB Cream has broad spectrum SPF 15 and can help controls shine, minimize the appearance of your pores and even out your skin tone.