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Hairstyles for Frizzy Hair

Pop frizz quiz: What can you do if your hair refuses to chill out? You’ll be delighted to know there is more than one way to make the dreaded frizzies look tamed and intentional. In addition to loyal anti-frizz allies like serums, sprays, shampoos and smoothers, there’s a tried-and-true selection of hairstyles for when your hair is frizzy. You can even tailor your approach to your type of hair and the time of year. Read on to become a whiz with the frizz!

Why does Frizzy Hair happen?

There are three main culprits of frizzy hair: genetics (your hair’s natural tendencies), damage (chemical and heat treatments) and environmental factors (mainly humidity and dry conditions). While our hair cuticles are supposed to be smooth and uniform, frizz happens when they puff up and become coarse. The results include flyaways, a scraggly halo, and a mane that generally looks stressed out. The secret is making it work for you by adding hairstyles for frizzy hair to your repertoire.

Hairstyles for Curly Frizzy Hair

People with naturally curly hair know that frizz is a fact of life. Sometimes the best solution is to make lemonade out of lemons and embrace flattering hairstyles for curly frizzy hair.

Hairstyles for Wavy Frizzy Hair

No one born with wavy hair is a stranger to the frizz, so make the most of it!

Hairstyles for Thick Frizzy Hair

Those with a mountain of locks tend to get tired of the taming sessions. Frizzy hairstyles to the rescue!
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Haircare Allies for Frizzy Hairstyles

The best place to start finding solutions for frizzy hair is by choosing the right anti-frizz products. Do a little research on the right ingredients, then decide if you need a pre-styling product like Moroccan Sleek Smoothing Oil or a nourishing treatment like Triple Nutrition Marvelous Oil. It’s always preferable to make frizz control part of your routine with a shampoo and conditioner from our Sleek & Shine range. And a last line of defense is an effective frizz-calming styling product such as Anti-Humidity Milk or Flat Iron Perfector.

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