Learn 5 tips to choose the right moisturizer - Garnier SkinActive Learn 5 tips to choose the right moisturizer - Garnier SkinActive

5 consejos para escoger la crema hidratante adecuada

Quizá pienses que todas las cremas hidratantes son iguales: es solo una crema que te pones en la cara para mantenerla hidratada, ¿verdad? No exactamente. Existe una gran variedad de productos hidratantes, todos con una sensación y olor diferentes, que proporcionan distintos beneficios para la piel. Entonces, ¿cómo eliges el mejor para ti? Sigue los consejos que se indican a continuación y encuentra el producto adecuado para ti.

1. Consider Your Skin Type

Is your skin dry, oily, normal or a combination of types? Are you acne-prone or have sensitive skin? The answers to those questions should determine which type of moisturizer you pick because different products are formulated for different skin types.

2. Think about Texture

The texture of a good moisturizer for you is also related to your skin type. Normal skin does best with a light, non-greasy moisturizer, while dry skin may need a heavier, creamier formula that is more likely to “lock in” moisture. Take notice of not only the texture of the product in the container but how it feels on your face after you apply it.

3. Check Its Scent

Your moisturizer literally will be right next to your nose whenever you apply it, so its scent is important. For that reason alone, it’s worth shopping at an establishment where you can sample different types of moisturizer or at least unscrew the containers to take a whiff. And if you have acne-prone or sensitive skin, try to avoid any scented moisturizers with fragrances or perfumes.

4. Use SPF

Do you apply sunscreen every day? You probably already know that this is an important step in your skincare routine. The best way to combat skin damage from the sun’s UV rays is to put on sunscreen every day. That’s where your moisturizer can come in — try choosing a moisturizer with an SPF 15 or higher and apply it every day as directed.

5. Read Labels

The label on any skin product may seem completely unintelligible, but you can learn a lot from reading it closely. Specifically, look for moisturizers that are labeled “allergy tested” (less likely to cause allergic reactions) and “non-comedogenic” (less likely to clog pores). These labels don’t guarantee that a moisturizer won’t irritate your skin, but they are a solid starting point for most people.

Finding the perfect moisturizer can be a challenge. Oftentimes, consumers will get there with some trial-and-error, which works differently for each individual. We recommend using these 5 easy tips to find the perfect moisturizer for you.