Learn how to care for dry skin and acne - Garnier SkinActive Learn how to care for dry skin and acne - Garnier SkinActive

Qué hacer si tienes acné y la piel seca

Mucha gente piensa que la piel grasa y el acné van de la mano, pero en realidad algunas personas que sufren de acné tienen la piel seca. Si tienes la piel seca y sufres de acné, es probable que el culpable sea tu rutina de cuidado de la piel. Muchas veces, en nuestros esfuerzos por evitar el acné, exageramos el uso de productos que secan e irritan la piel. Si quieres saber si tus productos te están causando acné o sequedad y cómo puedes manejar estos problemas, estamos para ayudarte. Descubre cómo puedes encontrar la solución a tus problemas de la piel para conseguir una piel de aspecto saludable.

How to know if you really have both dry skin and acne

The first thing you should know is that your skin type can change. Just because you once had acne doesn't mean that the hormones causing your breakouts can't suddenly stop. And with this change, you may get a whole new type of skin. Don't expose your skin to acne products unless you are certain that you have acne-prone skin.

One way to check skin is by doing a simple test with blotting paper. At night cleanse your face and do not apply moisturizer (yes you should always apply moisturizer normally but for the sake of the test skip it this time) then in the morning reach for your blotting paper. Check to see for the following results:

Dry/Sensitive Skin:Your blotting paper has no oil on it and your skin feels tight.
Normal skin:Your blotting paper has an average amount of oil on it but is not greasy.
Combination skin:Some areas are oily in your T-zone (nose, forehead and chin) but the rest is dry.
Oily skin:Blotting paper shows signs of grease and oiliness in all regions.
After doing this you should have a good gauge of your skin type. Perhaps your skin has been dry and flaky due to harsh products you apply as part of your skin care routine.

Are you causing your dry skin to have acne?

If after the blotting test, you determined that you have dry skin yet you are still plagued by frequent blemishes, it's time to assess what may be causing your skin to break out. When your skin's barrier is weakened, inflammation is often a side effect. On top of that, your skin is more vulnerable to acne-causing bacteria. Start paying attention to environmental factors such as the temperature and season to see if those have any effect on your skin. If it's winter and you're outside, often the harsh climate may rob your skin of moisture. This can be compounded by hot dry air indoors and long hot showers which seep hydration from your skin.

Are you causing your acne-prone skin to be dry?

A common misconception about oily skin is that it doesn’t need moisturizer or exfoliation. Additionally, if you’re avoiding exfoliation because you think it will cause your skin to flare up, you're mistaken. The mixture of old skin cells (which are there because you're not exfoliating), sebum, oil and dirt is making your skin impenetrable so whatever products you are using to fight oil and acne are probably not working on your skin. This in turn, may make your skin appear dry and flaky because your new surface cell layer is unable to emerge. Use a gentle cleanser on your skin and exfoliate at least once a week. Avoid products with potentially harsh beads made out of stone, sand or crystal material. Instead, opt for fruit acids, which will gently get rid of old skin cells. Then apply an oil-free moisturizer that will provide hydration. Your skin will be able to absorb products correctly and you will no longer have a breeding ground for acne.