How to massage moisturizer into your skin - Garnier SkinActive How to massage moisturizer into your skin - Garnier SkinActive

Cómo masajear la crema hidratante en la piel

La crema hidratante es la clave para tener una piel sana y flexible. Hidrata y ayuda a la barrera de humedad de la piel para dejarte un cutis resplandeciente. Deberías aplicarte crema hidratante después de la limpieza, dos veces por día. Sin embargo, extender rápidamente la crema hidratante por todo el rostro quizá no sea la forma más eficaz de aplicar el producto. De hecho, una forma estupenda de hacer que tu piel luzca hermosa es masajearla con crema hidratante. Esto activa los músculos faciales y la circulación, y puede ayudar a que la piel se vea más brillante y firme. Descubre cómo usar los masajes para lograr un cutis más bello.

1. Apply The Cream

In order to give your face a massage, apply slightly more of your moisturizer to your face than usual. Ideally you should place five small dollops on your face – one on your forehead, one on each cheek, one on your chin and one on your neck.

2. Massage Your Neck

Give attention to this overlooked area. This massage can help refresh your neck area and with continued massaging can help tighten the appearance of this area which is likely to lose firmness as you age. Move your hands in upwards stroke to fight against the effects of gravity.

3. Use Your Fists

Next ball your hands and use your knuckles to gently massage your skin in an upward and outward motion. Go from your chin to your cheeks in one swoop for about twenty strokes. Then repeat this motion from underneath your nose going outwards to your chin.

4. Tapotement

Finish your massage session off with quick rhythmical light taps with your fingers. This method is called awesome-skin-care-tips-from-around-the-world. Gently utilize this movement across your neck giving skin a healthy glow.