Learn how your oily skin can appear shine free in photographs - Garnier SkinActive Learn how your oily skin can appear shine free in photographs - Garnier SkinActive

Piel grasosa: cómo salir sin brillo en las fotografías

Nos ha pasado a todas: llevas el maquillaje y atuendo perfectos e intentas tomarte una foto. Cuando revisas la foto, te quedas sorprendida al ver tu cara demasiado brillante, y eso arruina el momento por completo. Nadie quiere salir en una foto como la persona con la piel grasosa. Si alguna vez pasaste por este momento con el brillo, tenemos algunos consejos para ti.

1. Cleanse Right

The key to keeping oil at bay is to start the day with the best cleanser for oily skin. Many experts recommend a product with salicylic acid as it is able to enter the pores for a thorough cleanse. Garnier SkinActive's Clean+ Shine Control Cleansing Gel contains salicylic acid as well as charcoal, which draws out impurities like a magnet. Make sure to apply with clean fingers, massage it in deeply, and thoroughly rinse off. Lightly pat your skin dry and make sure you use a new towel after two uses, since you don't want to transfer dead skin cells back onto your face.

2. Use Mattifying Products

After you're done cleansing, use a moisturizer that's also designed to regulate oil production. Alternatively you could use a mattifying primer. Whatever you do, these products are meant to reduce oil production, which means there will be less shine on your face.

3. Oil-Free Make Up

When choosing make up products make sure you use foundation, primer or powder that is meant for oily skin. These products typically have "oil-free" on the label so as to not exacerbate the oil levels produced by your skin. There are also many mineral products out there that absorb excess oil. With their help your skin will be matte and gorgeous rather than shiny.

4. Blot

Blotting papers are a lifesaver for oily skin touch ups. When you feel like your face is getting too oily, take a sheet of blotting paper and dab it across your face.  Depending on how oily your skin is, you might need more than one sheet.