If you have oily skin, learn how to take care of your pores - Garnier SkinActive If you have oily skin, learn how to take care of your pores - Garnier SkinActive

Nos vemos, poros: cómo cuidar los poros si tienes la piel grasosa

¿Qué es lo primero que notas cuando te miras en el espejo? Si tu respuesta es los poros, entonces podemos suponer que no estás contenta con su tamaño (a menos, por supuesto, que tengas poros diminutos y perfectos, en cuyo caso, te felicitamos). Los poros dilatados pueden ser frustrantes y difíciles de tratar. Sin embargo, se puede reducir la apariencia de los poros con una rutina de cuidado de la piel adecuada y un poco de tiempo. En este artículo, te explicamos por qué tienes los poros dilatados y te damos una pauta de cómo cuidarlos.

Why do pores become enlarged?

Your pores become enlarged when your pores produce too much oil. With normal oil production the oil easily flows out of the pore, however if there is too much oil being produced it fuses with dead skin cells resulting in a clog. This in turn makes the pore larger. Hormones regulate how much oil passes through each pore.

How do you get rid of large pores?

The good new is that large pores are manageable the bad news is that it might take some time. If you have a great skin care routine and keep on top of external factors that might be affecting your skin, you can get picture perfect pores.

Step #1 The Right Skin Care Routine

You need to regulate sebum (the oily/waxy matter in your pores that waterproofs your skin) and oil production in your pores so that they don’t become enlarged. Make sure that you use non-comedogenic products, which mean they won’t clog your pores. Avoid products that are extremely rich or greasy as they will also lead to clogged pores.

Next it’s time to cleanse. Use a gentle cleanser that removes dirt and make up without stripping your skin. Cleansers such as Garnier SkinActive’s Clean+ Shine Control cleansing gel are great! Garnier’s cleanser is infused with charcoal, which draws out impurities like a magnet. This cleanser also contains salicylic acid , which gently removes dead skin cells on the surface and exfoliates your skin’s pores. Using this product will help diminish the appearance of pores.

Don’t use an aggressive cleanser that will dry out your skin because this will result in your pores producing more oil to compensate for the dryness — a key reason why your pores are enlarged to begin with. Avoid this at all costs.

Tip #2 Exfoliate

Dead skin cells are part of the reason why your pores become enlarged. Making sure that you clean your skin regularly will ensure that pores are diminished. Use an exfoliating cream or gel once a week to slough off dead skin cells that accumulate on the surface of your skin. A gentle exfoliator with fruit enzymes will help. You can also use a wet washcloth to exfoliate by gently rubbing over your skin in circular motions to remove dead skin cells from the surface. We recommend that you change washcloths after every other use so that you don’t massage oils trapped in the washcloth fabric onto your skin, which increases oil productivity.

Tip #3 Antioxidants

Retinol or pro-retinol are great in the fight against enlarged looking pores. Vitamin C can also minimize the appearance of large pores. Use in a serum before you apply a lightweight moisturizer.

Tip #4 Avoid touching your Face

Do not touch your face under any circumstances — your fingers are likely oily and/or dirty which can encourage blemishes to grow on your face. Also do not pick or try to remove blackheads from your pores with your hands under any circumstances. You may damage your skin, which can lead to your pores looking enlarged.

Tip #5 Use a Drying Clay Mask

Using a clay mask that has kaolin to minimize the appearance of pores, particularly if you have very oily skin. Use once or twice a week to draw out excess oils and smooth your pores. Follow this with moisturizer.

With this skin care routine your enlarged pores should start going back to normal over time.