How to use oil in your skin care routine even if you have oily skin - Garnier SkinActive How to use oil in your skin care routine even if you have oily skin - Garnier SkinActive

Cómo usar el aceite en tu rutina de cuidado de la piel, incluso si tienes la piel grasosa

Cuando tienes la piel grasosa, quizá parezca que lo último que debes hacer es untar más aceite. Pero los aceites limpiadores pueden ser realmente muy beneficiosos para el cutis. Si, al igual que muchas bellezas con piel grasosa, consideraste que los productos a base de aceite están prohibidos para ti, es hora de replantearte tus preconceptos. Te indicaremos cómo evaluar la oleosidad de tu piel, por qué debes utilizar el aceite en tu rutina de cuidado de la piel y cómo integrarlo a dicha rutina. Pero antes, respondamos algunas preguntas básicas.

Do I Have Oily Skin?

First, let’s determine your definitive skin type. If your skin develops shine easily, makeup often “slips” off your face, and pores are enlarged around your T-Zone, you may have oily skin. You should probably cleanse your face at least once if not twice a day to regulate shine and prevent blemishes. Oil cleansing can help you keep blemishes at bay.

Why Use Oil In My Skin Care Routine?

A lot of people with oily skin try to dry out their skin to get rid of oil, but that actually has the opposite effect — oily skin produces more oil as a defense mechanism to balance out the loss of moisture on your skin. You should use oil in your skin care routine because oil attracts oil and can dissolve grease, sebum, or makeup on your face without stripping your skin of its natural oils.

Oily Skin Care Routine with Oil

Are you ready to give oil a go? We’ve outlined the ways to incorporate oil into your routine, as well as other oily skin tips to keep your skin happy and clear.

1. Cleanse With The Right Type of Oil

Cleansing your face is an essential part of your oily skin routine and can help regulate oil production. Choose an oil-based cleanser specifically created for oily skin — it will likely contain fruit acids or antioxidants that will regulate oiliness and keep blemishes at bay. You can either use an oil-based cleanser or a pure oil that you apply and use a warm wet towel to remove.

2. Moisturize

Moisturizer with SPF is key to well-nourished skin. Make sure to use a non-comedogenic, lightweight moisturizer so as to not overstimulate your skin. We recommend Garnier Moisture Rescue Actively Hydrating Daily Lotion SPF 15. Make sure your hands are super clean before applying moisturizer, you don’t want to add any bacteria or additional oils back into the equation.

3. Use Blotting Papers

If your skin gets a little greasy during the day, blotting papers are the perfect touch up to keep oiliness at bay. Dab them gently on your T-Zone to absorb any excess oil. Just don’t rub or wipe with them because that causes irritation and can lead to breakouts.

4. Choose the Right Sunscreen

Some sunscreens can clog your pores, so go with one that is labeled non-comedogenic and that is gel-based or oil-free. If you have sun damage or are looking to help decrease the appearance of dark spots, try Garnier The Antioxidant Super Moisturizer SPF 30. But no matter what, do not skip this important step. Sunscreen should be worn every day.

5. Get a New Face Towel

Always monitor how long you have the same face towel in your skin care rotation. When you dry your face, oil and bacteria can get caught on the towel and through continuous usage you’ll transfer this mix back on to your face. Use a towel for a maximum of two days or use paper towels and toss them.

We hope this guide showed you that while you might not always like your oily skin, oil can be helpful in the fight against excessive grease and shine on your skin.